
Name Level Hp Experience Loot
Goner 85 8200 1200 ham (59.033%)
leather boots (0.63%)
white robe (0.39%)
goner sword (0.3%)
light blue piece of cloth (0.17%)
Death Machine 140 9750 1375 black legs (0.63%)
red shirt (0.5%)
red belt (0.45%)
golden band (0.33%)
red blast (0.25%)
metal part (0.245%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
wooden boots (0.1%)
Tsuful Engineer 120 10200 1537 brown mushroom (100%)
white glover (0.9%)
tsuful armor (0.78%)
black boots (0.6%)
power glover (0.58%)
white piece of cloth (0.16%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
Bloody Vampire 100 10350 3900 meat (22.333%)
one-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
bone (5%)
blue trousers (5%)
scroll improve (3.3%)
violet piece of cloth (2%)
golden piece of cloth (2%)
white piece of cloth (2%)
orange piece of cloth (2%)
gray piece of cloth (2%)
red piece of cloth (2%)
black piece of cloth (2%)
green piece of cloth (2%)
yellow piece of cloth (2%)
light green piece of cloth (2%)
blue piece of cloth (2%)
light blue piece of cloth (2%)
black legs (0.9%)
super crystal (0.7%)
Ice Warrior 80 10500 1550 blue boots (0.56%)
soldier pants (0.5%)
armmy pants (0.48%)
fighting glover (0.31%)
ice cream (0.21%)
blue piece of cloth (0.18%)
green piece of cloth (0.18%)
snowball (0.13%)
Mafiozo Boss 120 10800 5700 one-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (3.5%)
light blue piece of cloth (2%)
blue piece of cloth (2%)
light green piece of cloth (2%)
yellow piece of cloth (2%)
red piece of cloth (2%)
green piece of cloth (2%)
black piece of cloth (2%)
violet piece of cloth (2%)
gray piece of cloth (2%)
orange piece of cloth (2%)
white piece of cloth (2%)
golden piece of cloth (2%)
super crystal (0.8%)
Destructor 160 11750 1555 cartridge (0.7%)
white piece of cloth (0.16%)
screw (0.05%)
nail (0.04%)
robot eye (0.025%)
destructor gun (0.015%)
caterpillar track (0.015%)
destructor armor (0.005%)
Green Soldier 110 11850 1570 green leather (1.5%)
light green piece of cloth (0.6%)
green piece of cloth (0.18%)
tenshin band (0.145%)
green glover (0.145%)
tenshin belt (0.055%)
tenshin legs (0.055%)
tenshin tunic (0.055%)
tenshin boots (0.055%)
Tyranosaur 80 12300 1235 meat (90.333%)
ham (90.033%)
beef (25%)
pork (25%)
dinosaur ham (5.333%)
tusk (2.3%)
tyranosaur skin (0.433%)
big bone (0.02%)
Desert Fighter 120 14500 1545 salmon (20%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
tone band (0.12%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone belt (0.1%)
majin belt (0.07%)
majin glover (0.06%)
Namek Fighter 240 14950 1950 namek tentacle (0.345%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
emerald belt (0.022%)
Saiyan Elite 200 17500 1702 brown mushroom (20%)
small diamond (0.36%)
saiyan tail (0.34%)
weak saiyan armor (0.3%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
tone band (0.12%)
tone belt (0.1%)
blue scouter (0.02%)
Huge Beetle 250 18800 2482 salmon (20%)
green mushroom (2%)
beetle skin (0.19%)
beetle leg (0.17%)
gray piece of cloth (0.15%)
Huge Insect 290 21200 2670 salmon (20%)
insect fur (0.17%)
gray piece of cloth (0.15%)
insect leg (0.15%)
Death Machine Upgraded 140 22000 5000 red shirt (0.93%)
red belt (0.73%)
black legs (0.63%)
golden band (0.33%)
red blast (0.25%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
wooden boots (0.1%)
Augmented Biomechanoid 270 22400 15675 meat (90.333%)
two-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
super crystal (0.8%)
metal part (0.48%)
orange piece of cloth (0.27%)
gray piece of cloth (0.21%)
Saiyan General 260 24000 2365 ham (100%)
saiyan boots (0.031%)
saiyan legs (0.029%)
saiyan armor (0.029%)
saiyan scouter (0.026%)
Annihilator 240 24300 2660 part of annihilator (0.3%)
power glover (0.29%)
blue piece of cloth (0.18%)
light blue piece of cloth (0.17%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
annihilator sword (0.075%)
tone robe (0.055%)
tone belt (0.05%)
tone band (0.05%)
tone armbands (0.042%)
tone armor (0.035%)
tone legs (0.025%)
tone boots (0.025%)
Kean Warrior 260 30000 2300 ham (100%)
shoes (0.5%)
bunch of kean hair (0.3%)
supreme shirt (0.2%)
violet piece of cloth (0.06%)
Execution Machine 240 34125 20625 two-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
black legs (0.93%)
red shirt (0.9%)
red belt (0.85%)
super crystal (0.8%)
metal part (0.645%)
golden band (0.53%)
gray piece of cloth (0.41%)
red blast (0.35%)
red piece of cloth (0.23%)
wooden boots (0.2%)
Giant Triceratops 400 36400 3945 ham (2%)
white mushroom (2%)
tusk (0.2%)
bone (0.18%)
gray piece of cloth (0.15%)
horn (0.09%)
big bone (0.008%)
Gigantosaur 120 36900 12000 meat (90.333%)
ham (90.033%)
one-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
dinosaur ham (10%)
tusk (5%)
scroll improve (3.6%)
black piece of cloth (3.5%)
golden piece of cloth (3.5%)
white piece of cloth (3.5%)
orange piece of cloth (3.5%)
gray piece of cloth (3.5%)
violet piece of cloth (3.5%)
yellow piece of cloth (3.5%)
green piece of cloth (3.5%)
red piece of cloth (3.5%)
light green piece of cloth (3.5%)
blue piece of cloth (3.5%)
light blue piece of cloth (3.5%)
tyranosaur skin (0.863%)
super crystal (0.85%)
big bone (0.04%)
Pink Saiyan Elite 250 39000 16000 brown mushroom (20%)
two-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
small diamond (4.45%)
scroll improve (3.9%)
green piece of cloth (3.5%)
golden piece of cloth (3.5%)
white piece of cloth (3.5%)
orange piece of cloth (3.5%)
gray piece of cloth (3.5%)
violet piece of cloth (3.5%)
black piece of cloth (3.5%)
yellow piece of cloth (3.5%)
red piece of cloth (3.5%)
light green piece of cloth (3.5%)
blue piece of cloth (3.5%)
light blue piece of cloth (3.5%)
saiyan tail (3.44%)
super crystal (1%)
tone belt (0.2%)
tone band (0.18%)
blue scouter (0.04%)
Oozaru 350 56000 3100 oozaru fur (0.3%)
tone belt (0.1%)
tone band (0.1%)
tone boots (0.07%)
tone armbands (0.065%)
oozaru tail (0.004%)
Mr Robot 380 59000 3300 paralyze brillant (0.7%)
golden band (0.33%)
blue piece of cloth (0.13%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
tone armor (0.115%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
screw (0.1%)
nail (0.08%)
robot eye (0.075%)
Hyper Annihilator 450 71300 3200 part of hyper annihilator (0.23%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
tone band (0.12%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone belt (0.1%)
hyper annihilator sword (0.09%)
short sword (0.065%)
tone robe (0.06%)
tone legs (0.055%)
tone armbands (0.05%)
tone boots (0.045%)
tone armor (0.04%)
Lude Outcast 350 84300 3990 red piece of cloth (0.11%)
black piece of cloth (0.11%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
Exterminator 340 85050 39900 two-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
super crystal (0.8%)
power glover (0.59%)
part of annihilator (0.45%)
blue piece of cloth (0.27%)
light blue piece of cloth (0.27%)
gray piece of cloth (0.25%)
black piece of cloth (0.25%)
tone belt (0.16%)
tone robe (0.155%)
annihilator sword (0.105%)
tone boots (0.095%)
tone band (0.085%)
tone armor (0.075%)
tone armbands (0.072%)
tone legs (0.055%)
Yeti 370 90000 4350 white glover (0.3%)
yeti fur (0.23%)
snowball (0.2%)
white piece of cloth (0.16%)
tone band (0.15%)
tone belt (0.14%)
tone robe (0.13%)
tone armor (0.125%)
tone legs (0.11%)
tone armbands (0.1%)
tone boots (0.09%)
energy ball (0.04%)
Kean General 360 105000 38175 ham (100%)
three-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
shoes (0.9%)
super crystal (0.8%)
bunch of kean hair (0.55%)
supreme shirt (0.28%)
red piece of cloth (0.12%)
black piece of cloth (0.12%)
violet piece of cloth (0.12%)
Armored Oozaru 480 110000 4850 oozaru fur (0.3%)
golden piece of cloth (0.23%)
tone belt (0.12%)
tone robe (0.115%)
tone band (0.115%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone armbands (0.1%)
tone boots (0.085%)
tone legs (0.085%)
tone armor (0.085%)
saiyan glover (0.08%)
energy ball (0.06%)
saiyan armor (0.013%)
saiyan boots (0.013%)
saiyan legs (0.013%)
saiyan scouter (0.011%)
oozaru tail (0.01%)
Enormous Gorilla 500 110000 4000 salmon (2%)
dark mushroom (2%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
gorilla paw (0.14%)
gorilla head (0.13%)
Salamandra 400 112000 2750 black belt (0.75%)
tone robe (0.35%)
violet piece of cloth (0.35%)
light ball (0.33%)
salamandra egg (0.28%)
salamandra skin (0.095%)
salamandra hearth (0.016%)
Lude Civilian 490 122000 5275 worn scarf (0.12%)
red piece of cloth (0.11%)
wooden hammer (0.1%)
Super Destructor 550 135000 6050 cartridge (1.5%)
drill (0.3%)
nail (0.195%)
screw (0.165%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
wooden hammer (0.14%)
tone armbands (0.125%)
tone armor (0.115%)
robot eye (0.105%)
caterpillar track (0.065%)
destructor gun (0.06%)
destructor armor (0.025%)
Super Elder Namek 500 162000 3500 fish (4%)
big fish (3%)
green piece of cloth (0.18%)
light blue piece of cloth (0.17%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
saiyan glover (0.08%)
energy ball (0.07%)
power namek band (0.05%)
Gigantic Snake 600 180000 6200 salmon (2%)
brown mushroom (2%)
snake skin (0.45%)
gray piece of cloth (0.15%)
Metalic 550 189000 6500 super senzu bean (1.9%)
drop of metalic (0.175%)
tone belt (0.14%)
tone robe (0.12%)
tone armbands (0.11%)
tone band (0.11%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone armor (0.1%)
tone boots (0.1%)
tone legs (0.09%)
Ice Beast 550 189000 6000 ice cream (0.41%)
white glover (0.34%)
piece of ice (0.3%)
snowball (0.25%)
light blue piece of cloth (0.17%)
white piece of cloth (0.16%)
tone belt (0.11%)
tone robe (0.105%)
tone band (0.105%)
tone boots (0.075%)
tone armor (0.07%)
tone legs (0.055%)
tone armbands (0.045%)
magic snow ball (0.008%)
King Oozaru 550 196000 97500 three-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
super crystal (0.8%)
oozaru fur (0.45%)
tone belt (0.17%)
tone boots (0.17%)
tone band (0.17%)
tone armbands (0.105%)
oozaru tail (0.014%)
Blackened Oozaru 450 196000 48750 two-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
super crystal (0.8%)
oozaru fur (0.45%)
tone belt (0.3%)
tone band (0.3%)
tone boots (0.17%)
tone armbands (0.095%)
oozaru tail (0.008%)
Lude Guardian 550 200000 7620 green piece of cloth (0.15%)
tone robe (0.12%)
broken helmet (0.12%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone helmet (0.04%)
Dr Robot 480 206500 49500 three-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
paralyze brillant (1.2%)
super crystal (0.8%)
golden band (0.43%)
blue piece of cloth (0.23%)
tone armor (0.215%)
violet piece of cloth (0.21%)
gray piece of cloth (0.21%)
red piece of cloth (0.16%)
screw (0.15%)
nail (0.12%)
robot eye (0.105%)
Biotsuful 550 216000 7500 soldier vest (0.42%)
blue piece of cloth (0.18%)
tone robe (0.12%)
tone belt (0.11%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone armbands (0.1%)
tone armor (0.09%)
tone boots (0.08%)
tone legs (0.075%)
biotsuful mask (0.015%)
red scouter (0.014%)
mistic turban (0.012%)
mistic shirt (0.012%)
kibito shirt (0.006%)
R103 Scout Unit 500 220000 7370 robot screw washer (0.335%)
copper ore (0.21%)
nail (0.18%)
yellow piece of cloth (0.15%)
Ultimate Annihilator 650 234000 8650 part of ultimate annihilator (0.3%)
orange piece of cloth (0.17%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
tone belt (0.095%)
tone band (0.095%)
tone robe (0.08%)
tone armbands (0.075%)
short sword (0.06%)
tone boots (0.055%)
tone armor (0.05%)
tone legs (0.045%)
red scouter (0.025%)
mistic sword (0.013%)
Heaven Protector 580 246000 8240 kibito legs (0.017%)
kibito shirt (0.015%)
kibito belt (0.014%)
kibito boots (0.01%)
Saiyan Royal 700 295000 8000 white piece of cloth (0.21%)
mistic crystal (0.18%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
royal cape (0.019%)
red scouter (0.014%)
Hell Beast 800 300000 9750 infernal senzu bean (1.2%)
violet piece of cloth (0.19%)
red piece of cloth (0.18%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
salamandra skin (0.075%)
jigoku goz belt (0.07%)
jigoku goz armor (0.05%)
jigoku goz armbands (0.05%)
jigoku goz legs (0.04%)
jigoku robe (0.04%)
jigoku goz boots (0.03%)
Blackened Yeti 570 315000 64350 four-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
super crystal (0.8%)
white glover (0.5%)
yeti fur (0.43%)
white piece of cloth (0.36%)
tone belt (0.24%)
tone robe (0.23%)
tone armor (0.225%)
tone legs (0.21%)
tone band (0.19%)
tone armbands (0.15%)
tone boots (0.13%)
energy ball (0.08%)
R149 Repair Unit 600 320000 9800 wrench (0.35%)
drill (0.35%)
screwdriver (0.35%)
screw (0.18%)
violet piece of cloth (0.15%)
Lude Templar 1300 350000 12375 broken helmet (0.12%)
red piece of cloth (0.11%)
gray piece of cloth (0.11%)
assasin legs (0.09%)
magic legs (0.006%)
magic armor (0.004%)
Snowy Wolf 110 360000 100000 monkey skin (7.45%)
z-donator scroll - 1 day (3.5%)
Gigantic Spider 950 360000 11900 salmon (2%)
white mushroom (2%)
gigantic spider leg (0.35%)
antidote drink (0.26%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
magic belt (0.003%)
C13 850 360000 10900 light blue piece of cloth (0.4%)
green piece of cloth (0.3%)
bomb (0.19%)
c17 blouse (0.08%)
kibito legs (0.008%)
Alpha Gorilla 650 385000 75000 salmon (20%)
five-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
dark mushroom (4%)
super crystal (0.8%)
gorilla head (0.33%)
gorilla paw (0.24%)
black piece of cloth (0.15%)
Scorched Salamandra 550 392000 41250 four-star cracked dragon ball (17%)
scroll improve (4.5%)
black belt (0.95%)
super crystal (0.8%)
red piece of cloth (0.55%)
violet piece of cloth (0.55%)
light ball (0.43%)
tone robe (0.38%)
salamandra egg (0.38%)
salamandra skin (0.16%)
salamandra hearth (0.022%)
Cooler 425 400000 37500 gray piece of cloth (0.71%)
soldier vest (0.53%)
mistic ball (0.1%)
cooler soul (0.05%)
Brolly 500 400000 37500 brolly necklace (0.3%)
golden piece of cloth (0.23%)
white piece of cloth (0.16%)
brolly legs (0.155%)
red piece of cloth (0.13%)
brolly talisman (0.09%)
mistic glover (0.08%)
brolly boots (0.008%)
magic belt (0.007%)