Maze of Fury Quest - 500 level

Monsters on way:
Reward: , Calm Mind Achievement
We're going to the planet Imegga and we're going to a marked spot:
We're going down at the marked point:
We go to the indicated place and use pickaxes to go down:
When we get to this point, open the window and use the zanzoken to jump in: !!Attention!! Spike grilles kill us right away. We have to avoid them!
Our first task is to unlock the wall:
This is where we use the lever. The hex code of the colour of the diamond that we have to put down appears.
The wall will be unlocked for an hour. After unlocking the wall it is best to fall on the trap, this is the fastest way to get back to the beginning of the quest. When we return to the beginning we follow the indicated path:
We enter a teleport and appear in a room with many teleporters. Select the teleports marked with birds:
After passing the stage with the teleporters we will appear in the room where we have to put the :
The next step is to reach the end of the path made up of black grilles. We have about 20 seconds for that. After the first fall out of the black bars we have a second chance, another unsuccessful attempt ends in death:
Enter the room with 5 rows of levers. In the upper right corner of the room there is a sign with a hint:
We're getting a helpful code: 42651. This means shifting the 4th lever counting from the left in the first row counting from the top, the 2nd lever in the second row, the 6th lever in the third row, the 5th lever in the fourth row and the 1st lever in the last row.
After making sure that you have adjusted all the levers correctly, you move the lever at the teleport and go inside.
We're getting into a room with a tunnel made of black bars. At this point we have to put on the objects shown except gloves and earrings:
After the required items have been placed, we can only go to the top and collect the prize!