Hell Fruit Trees

General description :

Hell Fruit Trees are mostly used for #45 Hell Collector achievement.
Hell Fruit Tree can only be clicked once per day.
Transformation of the tree, into clickable versions takes place after a server restart,
everyday at 9:04 p.m.
After clicking a tree, we get progress to the achievement and 3x appears on the tree, which can be taken.

To have a chance to use the tree, it is best to wait under it just before the server restarts.
Log in as soon as possible and use it.
There are 3 trees available in the game, 2 of which are generally accessible and one is in a difficult place.

Trees Locations :

--> Vegeta Planet <--

--> Hell <--

--> Maze of Fury Quest <--

To reach the tree in Maze of Fury Quest, we must follow the tutorial for the quest, including opening the passage with the

Created by Hot Malina

© 2023 Copyright - Created By Graff, Edited by TREE, Modified By Vultur
Created By Graff, Edited by TREE, Modified By Vultur